Friday 21 March 2014

News by:  Jared Peters 21st March 2014

Project tango smart phones

SPHERES are the small satellites Currently used by NASA to navigate around the International Space Station. These SPHERES roam around a 6 x 6 x 6 foot cube around the ISS, and they exclusively use sound beacons to triangulate their position and move around. This is all possible thanks to a Nexus S powering each of the three SPHERES currently in operation. However, NASA is looking to upgrade those Nexus devices to something a little more powerful.
Later this year, the phones powering the devices will be upgraded to Project Tango devices, which will make them fully capable of navigation by infrared sensors as opposed to sound based triangulation that’s currently used for the devices. This upgrade will allow the little satellites to move more freely and get out of that 6 x 6 x 6 foot pen that they’re currently stuck in, which will broadly expand how useful they can be. Long term, the goal of these devices is to eventually use them to help astronauts with different missions in space.
While we’re not quite at a completely autonomous, self-thinking level with our devices, this looks like it will be a massive step forward for the robots NASA uses every day.
Here is the video:

I think we are this close to have Robots around us in daily life shortly.what do you think?

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