Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Google IO

In this year's Keynote viewing party's were 597 from 85 countries in 6 continents and one million people were viewing live stream of Google IO. Sundar Pichai starts IO by telling the ratio of android female developers which is 20 and last year it was 8.

Global Smartphone shipments
Android 30 days active users
Android 30 days active users 1billion

 Then he told that 30 days active users in this year is 1 Billion which was 530 million users last year. Also he told that Android users send 20 billion sms daily and 93 million images are taken daily and the 31 million of them are duck faces. :)
Also they estimated that android steps are 1.5 trillion daily, 100 billion times phones are checked each day.
 Major change have been noted in Android tablet share in Global market is around 62% which was 46% last year. And YouTube Tablet view is 42% whiach was 28% last year. Also App installs increase 236% on Tablets.

Android Tablets Global market share

Also he told about the goal of reaching to next 5 billion users by introducing most promising smart phone that is Android One by micromax which will be the high quality cheapest phone around 100$, Also Karbonn and Spice will be  on the track soon. Also network providers will be requested to give affordable packages for this.
Android One
So it is the good step taken by Google, and it can surely covers the next 5 billion users soon, what do you think about that?